5 Important Things to Look in a Golf Course Mower While Buying

Are you assigned the liability of golf course captain for the first time and some equipment are not working well? In that case, repair or replacement are two options to choose from. We need some golf course maintenance equipment occasionally whereas others more frequently. If there is a malfunctioning old mower and its repair cost is high, buying a new one would be a better option. Turf maintenance is the primary and most hectic task of a golf course. Different areas like tees, greens, rough and fairways require different heights of grass. If your mower is not capable of maintaining the expected length, it will adversely impact the game play. Therefore, choose the golf course mowers wisely by considering all mandatory features. For your convenience, we are mentioning some important features below. 

Important Features to Check in a Golf Course Mower 

  1. Blades compatibility with all lengths
Not all golf course mowers are capable of trimming grass according to your expectations. Some of them also root out the turf if you are using it in the tees or fairway area. Operate a specimen practically at the showroom by adjusting the blade at all lengths to check the proficiency. If it is failing in the test, choose another brand. 

  1. Fast working 
In a typical 18 holes golf course, around 30 hectares of land is the maintained area where you need to run the mower on a regular basis. While working in this large land space, you need to dedicate hours of hard work. Therefore, the engine must be powerful enough to work faster along with remaining compatible with all heights. 

  1. Blades expansion possibilities 
Invest in turf equipment that has multiple blades attachment options. Many leading manufacturers like John Deere and Toro are currently providing mowers that can operate 5 blades in multiple dimensions to make your work easier. The price of these mowers is slightly higher than the smaller models you will experience a high level of quality satisfaction. 

  1. Comfortable to use for long hour
The golf courses are not like your lawn that requires only a few minutes to execute the task of mowing. The golf course mowers must be comfortable enough for the operator to use for long hours. Check the seating comfort as well as a roof for sun protection. Some good mowers are available with cool top canopies where you can sit for hours comfortably. 

  1. Easily available replacement parts
Whether it is a mowing reel or rotary blade, everything must be easily available in the market or online in case of damage. Talk to the customer care executive regarding its OEM parts availability. Blades play a key role in the quality maintenance of your turf area. If the mowing machine is branded but you are attaching inferior quality blades, the results will be dis-satisfactory. Make sure that the manufacturer is distributing spare parts through outlets or online in our area before buying a new model. 

Always remember that the overall appearance of a golf course majorly depends on the quality of its turf. Your golf course will be productive only if players show interest in its turf quality. Therefore, never compromise with the quality of your mowers.


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